The real astroturf lobbyists II

September 18, 2007   •  By IFS staff
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CCP has long maintained that the so-called "reform" community’s admonishments of "astroturf" lobbying is a simple case of the pot calling the kettle black.

Now it appears that legislators are beginning to catch on.  According to the New Mexican, legislative leaders continue(d) to show hostility to reform proposals they say only advocacy groups and ‘the media’ are backing."

Democrat Majority Leader Michael Sanchez asks, "Are we passing legislation because of the demands of a certain interest group? Are we being ethical passing ethics legislation if we’re passing these bills we don’t believe in because we’re being pressured by these special interest groups?"

The story continues: "’What’s driving this desire for disclosure?’ Sanchez asked, wondering aloud if the movement for more disclosure about campaign contributions comes from New Mexico residents or so-called citizens groups and the media that says we want this disclosure.’"

IFS staff

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