A library of IFS research, explainers, and academic writings
This November, the Journal of Supreme Court History published a new article from Institute for Free Speech Research Director Helen Knowles-Gardner detailing the oral ...
Texans have enjoyed the expressive freedom protections of a robust anti-SLAPP law since 2011, when the Texas Citizens Participation Act (TCPA) was enacted. However, ...
This First Amendment Day, Seattle University Law Review published an important article from Institute for Free Speech Research Director Helen Knowles-Gardner.
One of the principal misconceptions about “dark money” is that it accounts for a significant percentage of total campaign spending.
Failure to protect campaign contribution limits from inflation harms free political speech.
New research finds that states ranking highly for free political expression are not highly ranked states for corruption. In fact, states that have the ...
The Institute for Free Speech is pleased to present the Free Speech Index: Grading the 50 States on the Freedom To Speak About Government. ...
The Supreme Court’s landmark Buckley v. Valeo decision laid the foundation for modern campaign finance law in the United States. The decision rests on ...
PDF available here Introduction As the 2022 midterm elections approach, we’ll no doubt see media pundits aiming to predict who will win based on ...
Our 2023 Anti-SLAPP Report Card is out now. Click the image below to find the most updated anti-SLAPP information.
Recently, politicians have become concerned about potential widespread distribution of “deepfakes” of candidates and public officials. But, as history has shown, punishing false or ...
This primer answers common questions about the Supreme Court's decision in Americans for Prosperity Foundation v. Bonta, its immediate impact on nonprofits, and possible ...
Targeting tools for online ads have become cheap, easy to use, and effective. This has yielded tremendous benefits for political speech and association. Some ...
Targeted online ads are an essential tool for Americans seeking to join forces with fellow citizens to make their voices heard. Now, some propose ...
A new and creative way to restrict speech has arrived in the form of industry-based contribution bans. These bans typically target an industry and ...
Although the 2020 presidential nominating conventions have concluded, the national parties will be forced to navigate both expected, inflated costs and unexpected costs in ...
Policymakers should consider the following key principles for crafting requirements that promote accurate and effective disclaimers while minimizing costs to speech, privacy, and associational ...
On January 21, 2010, the Supreme Court struck down a federal law in Citizens United that prohibited corporations and labor unions from independently voicing ...
PDF available here By Eric Wang, Senior Fellow[1] One way to better understand how H.R. 1 would affect nonprofit civic and advocacy groups is ...
The First Amendment is facing a new threat in state legislatures. A spate of bills that would regulate political and issue advertising on the ...
Authored by Ashutosh Bhagwat Abstract: In a recent opinion respecting denial of certiorari, Justice Clarence Thomas expressed concerns about the degree of control ...
Abstract To what extent is U.S. state tax policy affected by corporate political contributions? The 2010 Supreme Court Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission ...
Abstract: Variations in state campaign finance regulations across states and over time provide an opportunity to test the effects of reforms on the electoral ...
Abstract: The communications revolution has led to a sudden, dramatic explosion in small-donor contributions to national election campaigns. In response, many political reformers, including ...
Abstract: The role of corporations in the U.S. political process has received increased scrutiny in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Citizens United ...
President Trump recently complained that Google searches are biased against Republicans and conservatives. Many conservatives argue that Facebook and Google are monopolies seeking to ...
Abstract: This essay makes two claims: transparency in government causes the very corruption it aims to prevent, and the problem is universal. Some scholars, ...
Abstract: The theory behind laws prohibiting coordinated communications is intuitive and simple. If a candidate for office, who is subject to statutory limits on ...
Abstract: Since the Supreme Court’s 2010 decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, proponents of stricter campaign finance regulation have increasingly prescribed “disclosure” ...
In a set of remarks preceded by Brooklyn Law School President and Joseph Crea Dean Nicholas W. Allard, famed First Amendment lawyer Floyd Abrams muses ...