Quote of the Day: The New York Times Comes Out Against Campaign Finance Reform

September 24, 2007   •  By Brad Smith
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“If we’re going to err, it’s better to err on the side of more political dialogue. … Perhaps we did err in this case. If we did, we erred with the intent of giving greater voice to people.”

        -Arthur Sulzberger, Jr., publisher of the New York Times.

 We’re glad to see that the Times has finally decided to stand up for free speech in the political arena.

Update: We’re told Sulzberger was describing why his paper accepted MoveOn.org’s "General Betray Us" ad despite the papers policy against accepting ads that constitute "personal attacks," not it’s policy toward the First Amendment.  Nevermind.

More lengthy commentary on the Times’ problem – it couldn’t happen to a nicer guy" – can be found here.

Brad Smith

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