Washington Examiner: Flag-desecration and First Amendment hypocrisy in the US Senate (In the News)

June 23, 2014   •  By Generic User
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By Luke Wachob

Sen. Barbara Mikulski, D-Md., explained her opposition to the flag desecration amendment by saying, “I cannot support an Amendment to the United States Constitution which would, for the first time in our nation’s history, narrow the reach of the First Amendment guarantee of freedom of speech.”

Where once there was humility, now there is hubris. Senators Durbin, Boxer, and Mikulski are all co-sponsors of the Udall amendment that narrows the reach of the First Amendment.

The delusion that Congress can improve on the 45-word eloquence of the First Amendment is apparently contagious.

Udall, who also voted against the flag amendment then, announced last summer, “I am proud to be introducing this amendment to change the way we do business in Washington and get money out of a broken system that puts special interests over people.”

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